Katerina Sidorova

The film is an exploration of contemporized rituals. Fitness as a ritualistic choreography which when decontextualized reveals the true essence of human hopes and fears of unpredictable future and inevitable mortality.

Balancing on the border between film and performance, questioning the aspect of fictional time, the video works I make refer to the notion of film making and film viewing as a meditative experience.
Katerina Sidorova

Artist statement
The feeling of the helplessness and therefore absurdity of human existence is something that has been my companion for a long time. Investigating this I came across the opposition of mankind and nature. Humans, the only beings possessing intellect, necessarily face the greatness of natural forces, too impressive to comprehend. This leads to creating a narrative, making the world sensible and therefore bearable. The narrative exists in a form of myth, is closely related to memory and has ritualistic behavior as a consequence.
Memory, archetype, myth and a ritual I therefore see as the key categories of my work. Intersecting they form the unstable structure that can be seen as balance. This fragile balance is to bring peace to my restless mind, the way of overcoming the impossible that I constantly long for. In my continuous search artworks become inseparable from thought and together form a never-ending chronicle.

Netherlands Film and Television Academy EVENT ►
Filmhuis CAVIA EVENT ►