DE CYCLUS (2013 13'24")
Reinilde Jonkhout

De Cyclus consists of 4 different videos, both edited found footage and original material.
It deals with the following questions and ideas.
What is pleasurable? What is expression of desire? How do our bodies react to our environment..
In my view we should not be rejecting the emotional, but instead bring multi-faceted approaches linked to the emotional and the manipulatory.
What does the image of a woman mean when it is constructed for her?
Let us question what we take for granted and consume, and yet let’s grant our emotions a place in our analysis, let us play.
There’s a layer of media and culture that lies embedded in us, tucked in a place inside us where it lives and grows. All that information influences our thoughts and behaviour.
A phrase such as 'remember, it's just a movie’, is a denial of those influences, and how those influences and our behaviour/ experience feed off of each other.

I both condemn and celebrate this influence, as I recognise its familiarity though also recognising it is not innocent.
Reinilde Jonkhout

DE CYCLUS / Reinilde Jonkhout

8/08 Open air Ernest Staesplein EVENT ►
19/09 Open Broedplaatsendag ACTA EVENT ►
Filmhuis CAVIA EVENT ►
Vilnius Academy of Arts EVENT ►